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Empowering Individuals and Families Toward a Stable Future

Empowering Individuals and Families Toward a Stable Future

In Northeast Michigan, many of our neighbors face daily challenges that go beyond the basics of what many of us take for granted. Whether it’s a family struggling to put food on the table, an individual facing homelessness, or a community member unable to afford necessary healthcare, the United Way of Northeast Michigan is on the front lines, offering support, resources, and hope.

Meeting Immediate Needs

Our first priority is ensuring that no one in our community goes without the essentials for survival. We work tirelessly to provide:
  • Emergency Food and Shelter: Partnering with local food banks, shelters, and emergency services, we offer immediate assistance to those in need.
  • Utility Assistance: Keeping the lights on and the water running is a basic necessity we help secure for families facing financial difficulties.
  • Access to Healthcare: Through partnerships with local healthcare providers, we ensure that basic medical care is not out of reach for the uninsured or underinsured.

Building Toward Financial Stability

Beyond meeting immediate needs, our goal is to help individuals and families build a foundation for long-term financial stability. Our initiatives include:
  • Financial Education Workshops: Offering tools and knowledge on budgeting, debt management, and saving to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures.
  • Job Training and Employment Services: Partnering with local businesses and educational institutions, we provide job training programs to increase employability and income potential.
  • Support for Children and Families: Recognizing that stable families create stable communities, we offer programs designed to support children’s health and education, reducing financial burdens on parents.

How You Can Help

The fight against poverty and instability requires a community-wide effort. Here’s how you can join us in making a difference:

  • Donate: Your financial contributions directly support our programs and services, offering immediate relief and long-term solutions to those in need.
  • Volunteer: Lend your time and skills to support our initiatives, whether through mentoring, teaching, or assisting at local shelters and food banks.
  • Advocate: Raise awareness about the challenges facing our community and support policies that promote economic stability and access to basic needs.


No one should navigate hardships alone. The United Way of Northeast Michigan is your partner in finding the help you need. By connecting you with resources, support, and community, we stand with you at every step of your journey towards stability and well-being.

For more information or if you need help figuring out where to start, contact us today. We’re here to help.