Your donations fuel our community programs and allow us to respond swiftly to emerging needs. Contributions can be made as one-time gifts or on a recurring basis. Every dollar counts and helps us extend our reach and deepen our impact.
Advocacy is a powerful way to raise awareness and support for critical issues affecting our community. Help us change policies and make a difference by lending your voice to our advocacy efforts.
Throughout the year, we host events to raise funds and awareness for our initiatives. Participating in or volunteering for these events is a fun way to support our mission while meeting others who share your passion for community service.
No one should navigate hardships alone. The United Way of Northeast Michigan is your partner in finding the help you need. By connecting you with resources, support, and community, we stand with you at every step of your journey towards stability and well-being.
For more information or if you need help figuring out where to start, contact us today. We’re here to help.